Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hold On A Second There, Partner

One of the devs on  project many of us work on was excited to announce that we'd topped 2000 commits on the project. I'm a pedant. I know that we configure our projects with a lot of "administrativa" bots, so I wanted to look harder at the numbers. What I found was:

The raw number of commits was:
$ git shortlog -s -n | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }'

Total minus bot-commits:
$ git shortlog -s -n | grep -v bot | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }'

Total minus bot- and merge-commits:
$ git shortlog -s -n --no-merges | grep -v bot | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }'

I wasn't trying to rain on his parade, but it is kind of cool that you can break things out that way and see just how much of your project's activity is "administrativa" type of actions.

Also, removing the filtering/counting pipelines gives you a nice output of who's contributed and how much (though "how much" is only in commits ...which, in our case, are generally squashed when merging back from an individual developer's fork).

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