Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why So Big

Recently, while working on getting a software suite ready for deployment, I had to find space in our certification testing environment (where our security guys scan hosts/apps and decide what needs to be fixed for them to be safe to deploy). Our CTA environment is unfortunately-tight on resources. The particular app I have to get certified wants 16GB or RAM to run in but will accept as little as 12GB (less than that and the installer utility aborts).

When I went to submit my server (VM, actually) requirements to our CTA team so they could prep me an appropriate install host, they freaked. "Why does it take so much memory" was the cry. So, I dug through the application stack.

The application includes an embedded Oracle instance that wants to reserve about 9GB for its SGA and other set-asides. It's going on a 64bit RedHat server and RedHat typically wants 1GB of memory to function acceptably (can go down to half that, but you won't normally be terribly happy). That accounted for 10GB of the 12GB minimum the vendor was recommending.

Unfortunately, the non-Oracle components of the application stack didn't seem to have a single file that described memory set asides. It looked like it was spinning up two Java processes with an aggregate heap size of about 1GB.

Added to the prior totals, the aggregated heap sizes put me at about 11GB of the vendor-specified 12GB. That still left an unaccounted for 1GB. Now, it could have been the vendor was requesting 12GB because it was a "nice round number" or they could have been adding some slop to their equations to give the app a bit more wiggle-room. 

I could have left it there, but decided, "well, the stack is running, lets see how much it really uses". So, I fired up top. Noticed that the Oracle DB ran under one userid and that the rest of the app-stack ran under a different one. I set top to look only at the userid used by the rest of the app-stack. The output was too long to fit on one screen and I was too lazy to want to add up the RSS numbers, myself. Figured since top wasn't a good avenue, I might be able to use ps (since the command supports the Berkeley-style output options).

Time to hit the man pages...

After digging through the man pages and a bit of cheating (Google is your friend) I found the invocation of ps that I wanted:

`ps -u <appuser> -U <appuser> -orss=`.

Horse that to a nice `awk '{ sum += 1 } END { print sum}' and I had a quick method of divining how much resident memory the application was actually eating up. What I found was that the app-stack had 52 processes (!) that had about 1.7GB of resident memory tied up. Mystery solved.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why Google's Two-Factor Authentication Is Junk

To be fair, I understand the goals that Google was trying to achieve. And, they're starting down a good path. However, there are some serious flaws (as I see it) with how they've decided to treat services that don't support two-factor authentication.

  • Google advertises that you can set per-service passwords for each application. That is to say, if you use third-party mail clients such as Thunderbird, third-party calendaring clients such as Lightning, and third-party chat clients such as Trillian, you can set up a password for each service. Conceivably, one could set one password for IMAP, one password for SMTP, one password for iCAL and yet another password for GoogleTalk. However, Google doesn't actually sandbox the passwords. By "sandbox" I mean restrict a given password to a specific protocol.  If I generate four passwords with the intention of using each password once for each service - as Google's per-application passwords would logically be inferred to work - one actually weakens the security of the associated services. Instead of each service having its own password, each of the four, generated passwords can be used with any of the four targeted services. Instead of having one guessable password, there are now four guessable passwords.
  • Google's "per-application" passwords do not allow you to set your password strings. You have to use their password generator. While I can give Google credit for generating 16-character passwords, the strength of the generated passwords is abysmally low. Google's generated passwords are comprised solely of lower case characters. When you go to a "how strong is my password site", Google's generated passwords are ridiculously easy. The Google password is rated at "very weak" - a massive cracking array would take 14 years to break it. By contrast, the password I used on my work systems, last December, is estimated take the best part of 16,000 centuries. For the record, my work password from last year is two characters shorter than the ones Google generates.

So, what you end up with is X number of services that are each authenticatable against with X number of incredibly weak passwords.

All in all, I'd have to rate Google's efforts, at this point, pretty damned close to #FAIL: you have all the inconvenience of two-factor authentication and you actually broaden your attack surfaces if you use anything that's not HTTP/HTTPS based.


  1. GRC Password Cracker Estimator
  2. PasswordMeter Password Strength Checker