Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Diagnosing Init Script Issues

Recently, I've been wrestling with some COTS software that one of my customers wanted me to automate the deployment of. Automating its deployment has been... Patience-trying.

The first time I ran the installer as a boot-time "run once" script, it bombed. Over several troubleshooting iterations, I found that one of the five sub-components was at fault. When I deployed the five sub-components individually (and to different hosts), all but that one sub-component failed. Worse, if I ran the automated installer from an interactive user's shell, the installation would succeed. Every. Damned. Time.

So, I figured, "hmm... need to see if I can adequately simulate how to run this thing from an interactive user's shell yet fool the installer into thinking it had a similar environment to what the host's init process provides." So, I commenced to Google'ing.

Commence to Googlin'

Eventually, I found reference to `setsid`. Basically, this utility allows you to spawn a subshell that's detached from a TTY ...just like an init-spawned process. So, I started out with:

     setsid bash -c '/path/to/installer -- \
       -c /path/to/answer.json' < /dev/null 2>&1 \
       | tee /root/log.noshell

Unfortunately, while the above creates a TTY-less subshell for the script to run in, it still wasn't quite fully simulating an init-like context. The damned installer was still completing successfully. Not what I wanted since, when run from an init-spawned context, it was failing in a very specific way. So, back to the almighty Googs.

Eventually, it occurred to me, "init-spawned processes have very different environments set than interactive user shells do. And, as a shell forked off from my login shell, that `setsid` process would inherit all my interactive shell's environment settings. Once I came to that realization, the Googs quickly pointed me to `env -i`. Upon integrating this nugget:

     setsid bash -c 'env -i /path/to/installer -- \
       -c /path/to/answer.json' < /dev/null 2>&1 \
       | tee /root/log.noshell

My installer started failing the same when launched from an interactive shell as from an init-spawned context. I had something with which I could tell the vendor, "your unattended installer is broken: here's how to simulate/reproduce the problem. FIX IT." I dunno about you, but, to me, an "unattended installer" that I have to kick off by hand from an interactive shell really isn't all that useful.

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