Tuesday, April 26, 2016

SSH Via GateOne

If you're like me, you occasionally work from locations that have restrictive firewall rules. Those rules may even be so restrictive that you're unable to SSH to remote hosts that you need to manage or do development work on.

The solution to this scenario is to use an SSH-over-HTML proxy service. In my case, I use GateOne. It's a light-weight service that's quick and easy to configure. The software maintainers even make Docker-ready bundles for it.

In my case, I create a GateOne-enabled SSH-proxy in AWS. Doing so is as simple as picking an EL6-compatible AMI (CentOS, RHEL, Scientific Linux, Amazon Linux, etc.) and giving the AMI launch-tool the following user-data:

yum update -y
yum install -y git
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade tornado
git clone https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne.git /tmp/GateOne
(cd /tmp/GateOne ; python setup.py install)
chkconfig gateone on
service gateone start
printf "Sleeping for 15s..."
sleep 15
echo "Done!"
pkill gateone
sed -i -e '/"https_redirect"/s/: .*$/: true,/' \
    -e '/"origins":/s/:.*$/: ["*"],/' \
    $(readlink -f /etc/gateone/conf.d/10server.conf)
sed -i '/"auth"/s/: .*$/: "pam",/' \
    $(readlink -f /etc/gateone/conf.d/20authentication.conf)
service gateone restart
When installed from its Git repository, the default configuration of GateOne only allows connection from an instances local interfaces. The `sed` operation against the "/etc/gateone/conf.d/10server.conf" configuration-file opens up this restriction. Setting the "origins" definition to '"*"' will allow browser connections from anywhere (if this is unacceptable, you can use AWS security-groups to lock things back down a bit).

Because I like to think of myself as lazy, I also enable a port 80 → 443 automatic redirect. Saves me from having to type "https://" into my browser (every keystroke saved counts!). This redirect is created by setting the "/etc/gateone/conf.d/10server.conf" configuration-file's "https_redirect" configuration-option to "true".

Because I prefer to do key-based logins and I don't want to make my SSH keys easily snarfable, I disable anonymous logins. This also has the side-effect of making it so it's not as easy for randos to discover your SSH proxy and use it for their own purposes. Disabling anonymous logins is done by setting the "/etc/gateone/conf.d/20authentication.conf" file's "auth" parameter. By setting it to "pam", as above, you instruct GateOne to allow local user-credentials to be used for logins.

When GateOne's authentication is set to "pam", it will be necessary to set up a valid user/password at the OS layer to be able to login via GateOne. You can do this via userdata or by logging into the instance and manually creating the GateOne user-credentials. I prefer the userdata method, as it means I can fully-automate the whole GateOne deployment process (e.g., via a CLI-script, CloudFormation template, etc.).

Note on the sleep statement: GateOne's configuration files are not present until the first time the service starts. Without the sleep, the `sed` operations will fail with a "missing file" error.

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