Thursday, March 22, 2012

ACL Madness

In our environment, security is a concern. So, many programs and directories that you might take being available to you on a "standard" Linux system will give you a "permission denied" on one of our systems. Traditionally, you might work around this by changing the group-ownership and permissions on the object to allow a subset of the system users the expected level of access to those files or directories. And, this will work great if all the people that need access share a common group. If they don't you have to explore other avenues. One of these avenues is the extened permissions attributes found in Linux's ACL handling (gonna ignore SELinux, here, mostly because: A) I'm lazy; B) I freaking hate SELinux - probably because of "A"; and, C) ACLs are a feature that is available across different implementations of UNIX and Linux, and is thus more portable than SELinux or other vendor-specific extended security attribute mechanisms). Even better, as a POSIX filesystem extension, you can use it on things like NFS shares and have your ACLs work across systems and *N*X platforms (assuming everone implements the POSIX ACLs the same way).

And, yes, I know things like `sudo` can be used to delegate access, but that's fraught with its own concerns, as well, least of all its lack of utility for users that aren't logging in with interactive shells.

Say you have a file <tt>/usr/local/sbin/killmenow</tt> that is currently set to mode 700 and you want to give access to it to members of the ca_opers and md_admins groups. You can do something like:

# setfacl -m g:ca_opers:r-x /usr/local/sbin/killmenow
# setfacl -m g:md_admins:r-x /usr/local/sbin/killmenow

Now, members of both the ca_opers and md_admins groups can run this program.

All is well and good until someone asks, "what files have had their ACLs modified to allow this" and you've (or others on your team) gone crazy with the setfacl command. With standard file permissions, you can just use the `find` command to locate files that have a specific permissions-setting. With ACLs, `find` is mostly going to let you down. So, what to do? Fortunately,  setfacl 's partner-command, `getfacl ` can come to your rescue. Doing something like

# getfacl --skip-base -R 2> /dev/null | sed -n 's/^# file://p`

Will walk the directory-structure, from downward, giving you a list of files with ACLs added to them. Once you've identified such-modified files, you can then run `getfacl` against them, individually, to show what the current ACLs are.

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