Wednesday, June 10, 2020

TIL: Podman Cleanup

Recently, I started working on a gig that uses Ansible for their build-automation tasks. While I have experience with other types of build-automation frameworks, Ansible was new to me.

Unfortunately, my customer is very early in their DevOps journey. While my customer has some privately-hosted toolchain services, they're not really fully fleshed out: their GitLab has no runners; their Jenkins is not general access; etc. In short, not a lot of ability to develop in their environment — at least not in a way that allows me to set up automated validation of my work.

Ultimately, I opted to move my initial efforts to my laptop with the goal of exporting the results. Because my customer is a RHEL environment, I set up RHEL and CentOS 7 and 8 VMs on my laptop via Hyper•V. 

Side-note: While on prior laptops I used other virtualization solutions, I'm using Hyper•V because it came with Windows 10, not because I prefer it over other options. Hypervisor selection aside…

As easy as VMs are to rebuild, I've yet to actually take the time out to automate my VMs' builds to make it less painful if I do something that renders one of them utterly FUBAR. Needless to say, I don't particularly want to crap-up my VMs, right now. So, how to provide a degree of blast-isolation within those VMs to hopefully better-avoid not-yet-automated rebuilds?

Containers can be a great approach. And, for something as simple as experimenting with Ansible and writing actual playbooks, it's more than sufficient. That said, since my VMs are all Enterpise Linux 7.8 or higher, Podman seemed the easier path than Docker ...and definitely easier than either full Kubernetes or K3S. After all, Podman is just a `yum install` away from being able to start cranking containers. Podman also means can run containers in user-space (without needing to set up Kubernetes or K3S), which further limits how hard I can bone myself.

At any rate, I've been playing around with Ansible, teaching myself how to author flexible playbooks and even starting to write some content that will eventually go into production for my customer. However, after creating and destroying dozens of containers over the past couple weeks, I happened to notice that the partition my ${HOME} is on was nearly full. I'd made the silly assumption that when I killed and removed my running containers that the associated storage was released. Instead, I found that my ${HOME}/.local/share/containers was chewing up nearly 4GiB of space. Worse, when I ran find (ahead of doing any rms), I was getting all sorts of permission denied errors. This kind of surprised me since I thought that, by running in user-space, any files that would be created would be owned by me.

So, I hit up the almighty Googs. I ended up finding Dan Walsh's blog-entry on the topic. Turns out that, because of how Podman uses name-spaces, it creates files that my non-privileged user can't actually directly access. Per the blog-entry, instead of being able to just do find ${HOME}/.local/share/containers -mtime +3 | xargs rm, I had to invoke buildah unshare and do my cleanup using that context.

So, "today I learned" ...and now I have over 3GiB of the nearly 4GiB of space back.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Ansible Journey: Adding /etc/fstab Entries

As noted in yesterday's post, I'm working on a new customer-project. One of the automation-tools this customer uses is Ansible. This is a new-to-me automation-technology. Previously — and aside from just writing bare BASH and Python code — I've used frameworks like Puppet, SaltStack and a couple others. So, picking up a new automation-technology — especially one that uses a DSL not terribly unlike one I was already familiar with, hasn't been super much of a stretch.

After sorting out yesterday's problem and how I wanted my /etc/fstab to look, I set about implementing it via Ansible. Ultimately, I ended up settling on a list-of-maps variable to drive a lineinfile role-task. I chose a list-of-maps variable mostly because the YAML that Ansible relies on doesn't really do tuples. My var ended up looking like:

  - mountpoint: /provisioning/repo
    bucket: s3fs-build-bukkit
    folder: RPMs
  - mountpoint: /provisioning/installers
    bucket: s3fs-build-bukkit
    folder: EXEs
  - mountpoint: /Data/personal
    bucket: s3fs-users-bukkit
    folder: build

And my play ended up looking like:

- name:  "Add mount to /etc/fstab"
    path: '/etc/fstab'
    line: "s3fs#{{ item.bucket }}:/{{ item.folder }}\t{{ item.mountpoint }}fuse\t_netdev,allow_other,umask=0000,nonempty 0 0"
  loop: "{{ s3fs_fstab_nest }}"

Was actually a lot simpler than I was expecting it to be.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

TIL: You Gotta Be Explicit

Started working on a new contract, recently. This particular customer makes use of S3FS. To be honest, in the past half-decade, I've had a number of customers express interest in S3FS, but they're pretty much universally turned their noses up at it (due to any number of reasons that I can't disagree with — trying to use S3 like a shared filesystem is kind of horrible).

At any rate, this customer also makes use of Ansible for their provisioning automation. One of their "plays" is designed to mount the S3 buckets via s3fs. However, the manner in which they implemented it seemed kind of jacked to me: basically, they set up a lineinfile-based play to add to add s3fs commands to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, and then do a reboot to get the filesystems to mount up.

It wasn't a great method, to begin with, but, recently, their their security people made a change to the IAM objects they use to enable access to the S3 buckets. It, uh, broke things. Worse, because of how they implemented the s3fs-related play, there was no error trapping in their work-flow. Jobs that relied on /etc/rc.d/rc.local having worked started failing with no real indication as to why (when you pull a file directly from S3 rather than an s3fs mount, things are pretty immediately obvious what's going wrong).

At any rate, I decided to try to see if there might be a better way to manage the s3fs mounts. So, I went to the documentation. I wanted to see if there was a way to make them more "managed" by the OS such that, if there was a failure in mounting, the OS would put a screaming-halt to the automation. Overall, if I think a long-running task is likely to fail, I'd rather it fail early in the process than after I've been waiting for several minutes (or longer). So I set about simulating how they were mounting S3 buckets with s3fs.

As far as I can tell, the normal use-case for mounting S3 buckets via s3fs is to do something like:

s3fs <bucket> <mount> -o <OPTIONS>

However, they have their buckets cut up into "folders" and sub-folders and wanted to mount them individually. The s3fs documentation indicated that you could both mount individual folders and that you could do it via /etc/fstab. You simply needed an /etc/fstab that looks sorta like:
s3fs-build-bukkit:/RPMs    /provisioning/repo       fuse.s3fs    _netdev,allow_other,umask=0000,nonempty 0 0
s3fs-build-bukkit:/EXEs    /provisioning/installer  fuse.s3fs    _netdev,allow_other,umask=0000,nonempty 0 0
s3fs-users-bukkit:/build   /Data/personal           fuse.s3fs    _netdev,allow_other,umask=0000,nonempty 0 0

However, I was finding that, even though the mount-requests weren't erroring, they also weren't mounting. So, hit up the almighty Googs and found an issue-report in the S3FS project that matched my symptoms. The issue ultimately linked to a (poorly-worded) FAQ-entry. In short, I was used to implicit "folders" (ones that exist by way of an S3 object containing a slash-delimited key), but s3fs relies on explicitly-created "folders" (e.g., null objects with key-names that end in `/` — as would be created by doing `aws s3api put-object --bucket s3fs-build-bukkit --key test-folder/`). Once I explicitly created these trailing-slash null-objects, my /etc/fstab entries started working the way the documentation indicated they ought to have been doing all along.