Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Barely There

So, this morning I get an IM from one of my teammates asking, "you don't happen to have your own copy of <GitHub_Hosted_Project>, do you? I had kind of an 'oops' moment a few minutes ago." Unfortunately, because my A/V had had its own "oops" moment two days prior, all of my local project copies had gone *poof!*, as well.

Fortunately, I'd been making a habit of configuring our RedMine to do bare-syncs of all of our projects. So, I replied back, "hold on, I'll see what I can recover from RedMine." I update the security rules for our RedMine VM and then SSH in. I escalate my privileges and navigate to where RedMine's configured to create repository copies. I look at the repository copy and remember, "shit, this only does a bare copy. None of the actual files I need is here."

So, I consult the Googles to see if there's any articles on "how to recreate a full git repository from a bare copy" (and permutations thereof). Pretty much all the results are around "how to create a bare repository" ...not really helpful.

I go to my RedMine project's repository page and notice the "download" link when I click on one of the constituent files. I click on it to see whether I actually get the file's contents or if all the download link is is a (now broken) referral to the file on GitHub. Low and behold, the file downloads. It's a small project, so, absolute worst case, I can download all of the individual files an manually recreate the GitHub project and only lose my project-history.

That said, the fact that I'm able to download the files tells me, "RedMine has a copy of those files somewhere." So I think to myself, "mebbe I need to try another search: clearly RedMine is allowing me to check files out of this 'bare' repository, so perhaps there's something similar I can do more directly." I return to Google and punch in "git bare repository checkout". Voilà. A couple useful-looking hits. I scan through a couple of them and find that I can create a full clone from a bare repo. All I have to do is go into my (RedMine's) filesystem, copy my bare repository to a safe location (just in case) and then clone from it:

# find <BARE_REPOSITORY> -print | cpio -vpmd /tmp
     # cd /tmp

That final find shows me that I now have a full repository (there's now a fully populated .git subdirectory in it). I chown the directory to my SSH user-account, then exit my sudo session (I'd ssh'ed in with key-forwarding enabled).

I go to GitHub and (re)create the nuked project, then, configure the on-disk copy of my files and git metadata to be able to push everything back to GitHub. I execute my git push and all looks good from the ssh session. I hop back to GitHub and there is all my code and all of my commit-history and other metadata. Huzzah!

I finish out by going back and setting up branch-protection and my push-rules and CI-test integrations. Life is good again.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Savings Are In The POST

Been playing around with Artifactory for a client looking to implement a full CI/CD toolchain. My customer has an interesting budgeting method: they're better able to afford sunk costs than recurring costs. So, they splurged for the Enterprise Edition pricing but asked me to try to deploy it in a "cost-aware" fashion.

Two nice things that the Enterprise Edition of artifactory gives you: the ability to store artifacts directly to lower-cost "cloud" storage tiers and the ability to cluster. Initially, I wasn't going to bother with the latter: while the customer is concerned about reliability, the "cost-aware" method for running things means that design-resiliency is more critical than absolute availability/uptime. Having two or more nodes running didn't initially make sense, so I set the clustering component aside, and explored other avenues for resiliency.

The first phase of resiliency was externalizing stuff that was easily persisted.

Artifactory keeps much of its configuration and tracking information in a database. We're deploying the toolchain into AWS, so, offloading the management overhead of an external database to RDS was pretty much a no-brainer.

When you have the Enterprise Edition entitlements, Artifactory lets you externalize the storage of artifacts to cloud-storage. For a cost-aware deployment, storing gigabytes of data in S3 is much more economical than storing in an EBS volume. Storing it in S3 also means that the data has a high-degree of availability and protection right out of the box. Artifactory also makes it fairly trivial to set up storage tiering. This meant I was able to configure the application to stage recently-written or fetched data in either an SSD-backed EBS volume or leverage instance storage (fast, ephemeral storage). I could then let the tiering move data to S3 either as the local filesystem became full or the recently-written or fetched data aged.

With some of the other stuff I automated, once you had configuration and object data externalized, resiliency was fairly easy to accommodate. You could kill the running instance (or let a faulty one die), spin up a new instance, automate the install of the binaries and the sucking-down of any stub-data needed to get the replacement host knitted back to the external data-services. I assumed that Artifactory was going to be the same case.

For better or worse, Artifactory's relationship with it's database is a bit more complicated than some of the other CI/CD components. Specifically, just giving Artifactory the host:port and credentials for the database doesn't get your new instance talking to the database. No. It wants all that and it wants some authentication tokens and certificates to more-fully secure the Artifactory/database communications.

While backing these tokens and certificates up and accounting for them in the provisioing-time stub-data pull-down is a potential approach, when you have Enterprise Edition, you're essentially reinventing the wheel. You can, instead, take advantage of EE's clustering capabilities ...and run the Artifactory service as a single-node cluster. Doing so requires generating a configuration bundle-file via an API call and then putting that in your stub-data set. The first time you fire up a new instantiation of Artifactory, if that bundle-file is found in the application's configuration-root, it will "magic" the rest (automatically extract the bundle contents and update the factory config files to enable communication with the externalized services).

As of the writing of this post, the documentation for the HA setup is a bit wanting. They tell you "use this RESTful API call to generate the bundle file". Unfortunately, they don't go into great depth on how to convice Artifactory to generate the bundle. Yeah, there's other links in the documents for how to use the API calls to store data in Artifactory, but no "for this use-case, execute this". Ultimately, what it ended up being was:
# curl -u <ADMIN_USER> -X POST http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/bootstrap_bundle
If you got an error or no response, you need to look in the Artifactory access logs for clues.

If your call was successful, you'd get a (JSON) return similar to:
Enter host password for user '<ADMIN_USER>':
    "file" : "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/bootstrap.bundle.tar.gz"
The reason I gave the article the title I did was, because, previous to this exercise, I'd not had to muck with explicitly setting the method for passing the API calls to the command-endpoint. It's that "-X POST" bit that's critical. I wouldn't have known to use the documentation's search-function for the call-method had I not looked at the access logs and seen that Artifactory didn't like me using curl's default, GET-based method.

At any rate, once you have that bootstrap-bundle generated and stored with your other stub-data, all that's left is automating the instantiation-time creation of the file. After a generic install, when those files are present, the newly-launched Artifactory instance joins itself back to the single-node cluster and all your externalized-data becomes available. All that taken care of, running "cost-aware" means that:

  • When you reach the close of service hours, you terminate your Artifactory host.
  • Just before your service hours start, you instantiate a new Artifactory host.
If you offer your service Mon-Fri from 06:00 to 20:00, you've saved yourself 148 hours of EC2 charges per calendar-week. If you're really aggressive about running cost-aware, you can apply similar "business hours" logic to your RDS (though, given the size of the RDS, the costs to create the automation may be more than you'll save in a year's running of the RDS instance).