One of my (many) duties in our shop is doing cross-platform maintenance of RPMs. Previously, when I was maintaining them for EL5 and EL6, things were fairly straight-forward. You got or made a SPEC file to packages your SOURCES into RPMS and you were pretty much good to go. Imagine my surprise when I went to start porting things to EL7 and all my freaking packages had el7.centos in their damned names. WTF?? These RPMs are for use on
all of our EL7 systems, not just CentOS: why the hell are you dropping the implementation into my
%{dist}-string?? So, now I have to make sure that my
${HOME}/.rpmmacros file has a line in it that looks like:
%dist .el7
If I don't want my
%{dist}-string get crapped-up.
Screw you, CentOS. Stuff was just fine on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6. This change is
not an improvement.