Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Per-Sender SMTP SASL Authentication

One of the customers I do work for runs a multi-tenant environment. One of the issues this customer has been having is "how do we notify tenants that their systems want patching". For their Linux systems, the immediate answer was to use the `yum-cron` facility to handle it.

Unfortunately, the system that would receive these types of notification emails is different than the ones that handle generic SMTP relaying. Instead of being able to set up each Linux system's Postfix service to use a single Smart-relay, we needed to be able to have just the account that's used to send the ready-to-patch notifications relay into through the notification gateway while all other emails get directed through a broader-scope relay.

It took several search iterations to finally uncover the "trick" for allowing this (credit to zmwangx for his GitHub Gist-posting). Overall, it's pretty straight-forward. Only thing that was not immediately obvious was which tokens mapped-through (what was the common key). In summary, to create the solution one needs to do three things:
  1. Modify the Postfix configuration:
    1. Do the standard tasks around defining a "smart" relay
    2. Do the standard tasks around enabling Postfix to act as a SASL-authenticated client
    3. Enable per-sender authentication
    4. Define a per-sender relay-map
  2. Create a file to map a local sender-address to a SASL-credential
  3. Create a file to map a local sender-address to a specific relay-host
One that's done, it's simply a matter of verifying that things are working the way you think they should be.

Modify Postfix: Define Default Smart Relay
As with much of my experimentation the past year or two, I did my testing using Amazon Web Services resources. In this case, I used AWS's Simple Email Service (SES). Configuring Postfix to relay is trivial. Since my testing was designed to ensure that everything except my wanted sender-address to deny relaying, I configured my test system to point to its local SES relay without actually configuring an SES account to enable that relaying. For postfix, this was simply a matter of doing:
postconf -e "relayhost = [email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com]:587"
Appends creates line to your /etc/postfix/main.cf that looks like:
relayhost = [email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com]:587
Note: The AWS SES relays are currently only available within a few regions (as of this writing, NoVA/us-east-1, Oregon/us-west-2 and Ireland/eu-west-1). Each relay requires a SASL credential be created to allow relaying. So, no big deal publicizing the relay's name if spammers don't have such credentials.

At this point, any mail sent via Postfix will attempt to relay through the listed relay-host. Further, because SASL client-credentials are not yet set up, those relay attempts will fail.

Modify Postfix: Define Default SASL-Client Credentials
Add a block similar to the following to begin to turn Postfix into an SMTP SASL-client:
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain
smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
smtp_use_tls = yes
smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
Two critical items above are the "smtp_sasl_password_maps" and "smtp_tls_CAfile" parameters:

  1. The former instructs Postfix where to look for SASL credentials.
  2. The latter tells postfix where to look for root Certificate Authorities so it can verify that the relay host's SSL certificates are valid. The path listed in the above is the default for Red Hat-derived distributions: alter to fit your distribution's locations
The rest of the parameters instruct Postfix to use SASL-authentication over TLS-encrypted channels (required when connecting to an SMTP-relay via port 587) and to use the "plain" mechanism for sending credentials to the relay-host.

Modify Postfix: Enable Per-Sender Authentication
Use the command `postconf -e "smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes"` to enable Postfix's per-sender authentication modules. This will add a line to the /etc/postfix/main.cf that looks like:
smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes

Modify Postfix: Define SASL-Sender Map
Once per-sender authentication is enabled, Postfix needs to be instructed where to find mappings of senders to credentials. Use the command,  `postconf -e "sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_relay"` to enable Postfix's per-sender authentication modules. This will add a line to the /etc/postfix/main.cf that looks like:
sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_relay

Create a Sender-to-Credential Map
Edit/create the sender-to-credential mapping file /etc/postfix/sender_passwd. Its contents should be similar to the following:
# Sender Address                                 <userid>:<password>
patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com        AKIAICAOGQX5UA0ACDSVJ:pDHM1n4uYLGN4BQOnzGcTSeQXSRDjcKCy6VkmQk+CoBV
Postfix will use the "patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com" sender-address as a common key with the value in the relay-map (following).

Create a Sender-to-Relay Map
Edit/create the sender-to-credential mapping file /etc/postfix/sender_relay. Its contents should be similar to the following:
# Sender Address                            [relay-host]:port
patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com        [email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com]:587
Postfix will use "patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com" sender-address as a common key with the value in the credential-map (preceding).

A quick verification test is to send an email from a mapped user-address and a non-mapped user address:
# sendmail -f patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com -t <<EOF
To: fubar@cloudlab.xanthia.com
Subject: Per-User SASL Test
Content-type: text/html

If this arrived, things are probably set up correctly
# sendmail -f unmapped-user@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com -t <<EOF
To: fubar@cloudlab.xanthia.com
Subject: Per-User SASL Test
Content-type: text/html

If this bounced, things are probably set up correctly
This should result in an SMTP log-snippet that resembles the following:
Feb 16 18:08:09 ses-test maintuser: MARK == MARK == MARK
Feb 16 18:08:22 ses-test postfix/pickup[5484]: 2B7D244AB: uid=0 from=<patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com>
Feb 16 18:08:22 ses-test postfix/cleanup[5583]: 2B7D244AB: message-id=<20160216180822.2B7D244AB@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com>
Feb 16 18:08:22 ses-test postfix/qmgr[5485]: 2B7D244AB: from=<patch-alert@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com>, size=403, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Feb 16 18:08:22 ses-test postfix/smtp[5585]: 2B7D244AB: to=<thjones2@gmail.com>, relay=email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com[]:587, delay=0.37, delays=0.02/0.03/0.19/0.13, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok 00000152eb44d396-408494a9-93f0-4f21-8985-460c057537bf-000000)
Feb 16 18:08:22 ses-test postfix/qmgr[5485]: 2B7D244AB: removed
Feb 16 18:08:32 ses-test postfix/pickup[5484]: A339E44AB: uid=0 from=<bad-sender@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com>
Feb 16 18:08:32 ses-test postfix/cleanup[5583]: A339E44AB: message-id=<20160216180832.A339E44AB@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com>
Feb 16 18:08:32 ses-test postfix/qmgr[5485]: A339E44AB: from=<bad-sender@ses-test.cloudlab.xanthia.com>, size=408, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Feb 16 18:08:32 ses-test postfix/smtp[5585]: A339E44AB: to=<thjones2@gmail.com>, relay=email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com[]:587, delay=0.09, delays=0.01/0/0.08/0, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com[] said: 530 Authentication required (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
As can be seen in the snippet, the first message (from the mapped sender) was relayed while the second message (from the unmapped sender) was rejected.